[Forwarded for Diane by [log in to unmask] (Shari).  BIG]
>Yet, another baby ferret abandon by their owners and left in the apartment
>for at least 5 days.  But this isn't the saddest part... Saturday night
>when the neighbor called with news the tenants moved and they were hearing
>screaming noises from the apartment.  When the landlord arrived to
>investigate, they found an abandon ferret.  They called the humane society
>in Charlotte whom gave them my number and they immediately called me.  I
>was at the meeting in Raleigh at the time and did not get home till almost
>10 pm.  When I heard the message, I returned the call but only got an
>answering machine.  So I left a message.
>Sunday, 5pm, I received a return call and scheduled to meet them to pick
>up the baby.  He told me he gave her some water and found a cup of food on
>the counter.  (turned out to be hamster pellets) Since he had no knowledge
>of ferrets he called a couple of pet stores to see if they would take her
>but was quickly told no.  So he then ask what he should do for her and was
>told to give her any kind of food and some water and she would be fine.
>He knew this was not true and said he didn't think she would make it
>another day because she was weak since there wasn't A/C and it was a
>small, dirty cage.  I had no idea how small or the condition she was in.
>When I arrived, I was totally unprepared for what I saw.  It was
>completely heartbreaking and knocked me to my knees!
>She was in a small aquarium with the lid taped down with duck tape,
>floating in an inch or more of urine and poop.  Completely covered in the
>foul, flopping from side to side, her little face looking up at me in pure
>hope I was there to help.  Ripping at the tape to open the lid, she cried
>out as she struggled to get to me.  The smell and heat from fermenting
>foul took my breath away.  Wanting to vomit, I held my breath as I scooped
>her up in my hands.  She was gasping for air and so hot it burned my hands
>to touch her.  Quickly, the landlord turned on the water (no power so it
>was cold), I rinsed her off as best I could.
>Wrapping her a cleaning rag to dry her off, we noticed blisters all over
>her.  really couldn't see much in the light from the flashlight, so decided
>to get her as quickly as I could, back up to our emergency vet on the way
>home.  She laid in my lap, weakly rubbing to dry herself and eventually,
>gobbled at the food I offered.  After a few bites, she crawled in my shirt
>and went to sleep.  I was too afraid to check on her lest I find her not
>breathing.  She never moved again till we reached the vet.  Once there,
>in decent light, she is covered in blisters and urine burns.  Her little
>ears are infested with ear mites and she is covered in fleas.  Severely
>dehydrated, Dr. Heimen started subQ fluids which perked her right up.  We
>then cleaned her up and treated the burns and an injection of antibiotic.
>Her knees turn in and feet out.  She can not stand on them at all and has
>absolutely no muscle tone.  X-rays showed no signs of broken bones so we
>have come to the conclusion she has never been out of the aquarium.  Her
>age is no more than 6 months, if that.
>She slept in my shirt all the way home.  Once in the house, I put her down
>and she cried to be picked back up.  Tony fixed her a nice cage with all
>the warm, fuzzy sleep ware, but once in, she continued to cry and get to
>me.  So there was no choice but to allow her to sleep in my shirt (a clean
>one because of the foul smell in the other) all night.  Even while I was
>taking care of other ferrets/ cages/ meds, she never moved a muscle.
>Today, she is scooting around like a fish out of water and I started
>physical therapy/ water therapy on her legs.  She is eating chicken gravy
>and kibble like there is no tomorrow.  There is a big difference in the
>severity of the sores/ burns and think she is going to make it!  Please
>remember her in your prayers and if you would like to help sponsor her or
>one of the other special needs ferrets, it will be greatly appreciated.
>The landlord has taken pictures of the aquarium and we have done so of
>her.  This will not be forgotten or excused for we intend to prosecute
>these people for animal cruelty as soon as we find them!!!!
>"Squiggles" (her temporary name) will see them in court and will have
>justice one way or another!  Always in need of your help and loving you
>for it,
> Ferret Guardian Rescue Haven
> 111 Bay Berry Court
> Statesville, NC 28677
> www.FerretGuardian.org
> (919) 872-9538
>Thank you for your assistance!
[Posted in FML issue 3139]