Hi all!
First thanks to those who responded to my comments and concerns about
Percival.  It seems he is adrenal and will be heading in for surgery on
this Wednesday so hopefully everything will go OK and he'll be back to his
normal laid back self when its over.
Today, though, we have a new issue to deal with.  Seems our
landlord/property manager is a jerk and a half and is threatening us with
eviction from our townhouse unless we get rid of our 3 ferrets.  Seems that
when the rental agent told us that our ferts would be allowed to reside
with us, she wasn't telling the truth exactly.  We were told that because
the ferts lived in a cage when we weren't home, the no pets clause didn't
apply to them and they were OK to keep.  Now the property manager is waving
the "no pets" clause on the isgned lease in our face.
Honestly I can't understand how this operation works the way it does.
We've been open about this from the start, have paid our rent regularly
and the first message we get from the property management on this issue
threatens us to high heaven for something that we were assured was not a
We are now currently setting up meeting times with our lawyers to find
out exactly how enforcable the verbal agreement we had is so that we can
at least keep the fuzzies with us and ride out our lease while we find a
decent place to move into instead of having to have the fuzzies reside
with my parents while we find a quick place to move to.  If we are in a
position to fight, we will have our legal team scour the complex and find
out exactly how many other people have small animals like the ferts and
find out why they are not being threatened with eviction as well.  Would
be nice to recoup some costs through a discrimination suit...
Of course all of this conveniently comes right after my wife has been very
vocal and loud about the fact that our dishwasher has not worked right
since we moved in (a year and a half ago!) and finally gave them an
ultimatum to fix it or replace it.  Then all of a sudden this threatening
letter appears out of left field...Coincidence??  We're not sure...
Well, thanks for listening...I'm really angry right now and just needed to
voice this to those who would understand...
Cricket, Zoe, Percival and George the cat
[Posted in FML issue 3137]