Condolences to those with missing, sick or angeled "Ferociously Cute"
My Silver-Dude was a Silver Mitt (his pic is on my home page: )
and my Ziggy is a Silver Mitt Blaze (he's the one that's deaf, mostly
blind and has a defective sniffer).  Maybe it has nothing to do with the
food that feed them--Iams Original Formula Cat Food (Anyone fall for that
one?  :)) and maybe it doesn't have anything to do with the exercise they
get and the fact that they all get Ferretone and/or Ferretvite at least
once per week (just cuz they LOVE it so much!).
However, both of my carniverous cuties had/has luxuriously soft coats.
Ziggy's coat actually feels more like down, rather than fur!  However,
neither of them are exceptions.  *All* of my ferrets have incredibly soft,
fluffy and snuggleable fur.  Maybe it's just me.  Maybe not.  However, all
of my fur-butts (except Fuzzer, whom I purchased as a baby vanilla bean)
were rescues from unknown pasts and they all (to some extent or other) had
course fur.  Some has more fur than others, but they all tended to have the
fur that seems more like a protective armor, than something soft and
They have all been changed over to Iams (regardless of previous diets) and
they (occasionally) get Totally Ferret as a snack.  As stated previously,
they also get FerretVite or Ferretone about once per week, as well as
Bandits Ferret Treats daily (one or two pieces each).  I also provide them
with Pounce Hairball Treatment treats about once per week.  I don't know
which of these things (if any) are contributing to such wonder coats, but
whatever it is, I intend to keep using them all! :)
Todd and the (petpetpetpetpet) Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 3136]