Mornin' Folks,
Well, today on Lost Ferrets, we have the poor, darling Beau, which I'm sure
you've all read about, still listed.  You can even see a picture of him.
We also have a found ferret listed, in Nanuet, NY, found on July 20.
Aside from the two older lost listings, that is it right now.
I have made a few minor changes in the color scheme of the Lost Ferrets
website.  Looking better and better every day.  I would like to thank Randy
Horton for giving me permission to use his FML post about finding lost
ferrets on the site, and Troy Lynn Eckert, who has given me permission to
use some excerpts from her recent article in Ferrets magazine!  Also, the
August contest will be starting a little late, but should be much fun!  It
will be an online treasure hunt, starting at the Lost Ferrets website, and
giving clues leading to various websites of Lost Ferret Network members.
One of these sites will contain an entry form.  I haven't decided on the
prizes yet, most likely there will be a Ferret Store gift certificate or
two, and there are rumors of a Runner the Ferret being donated!  With
luck, the contest should be up and ready to go by August 7 at the latest.
Also, coming soon to the Lost Ferrets website will be a form which will
automatically generate a printable lost ferret poster when you fill it out
and click submit!  I am hoping that I can include color photos, if one is
available on the web, (personal home pages, etc.) otherwise, if no web
address is specified, the form would generate a generous blank space for
a picture to be added after printing.  I will be offering this service
because of the potential it has to cut down on time, etc.  When a person is
frazzled, scared, and close to panic, (as I was the one and only time one
of my dears got loose,) they don't think straight, and in trying to get
things done quickly, important information is often overlooked, and it
usually actually takes longer.  So, instead, you can just get online, have
the page bookmarked, fill out the form, click submit, and you are ready to
print, picture and all.  All the information that should be on the poster
is asked for, so you don't have to try and remember all the things you
should include, and they are neatly printed and easy to read.  Thats the
update for the week.  Hope everyone's Monday went better than
sleep at 3:30 Sunday night, and up at 7:30, trying to get the last of my
stuff moved before the first of the month...ugh.  But on the bright side,
my bedroom is big enough now, that I have room for a chair, which has the
specific intent of being a ferret cuddly spot.  Yeah!!  Well, have a great
day everyone!
Melissa Barnes
[Posted in FML issue 3130]