Wow!  it's been a killer week!  i've never seen the shelter so busy.
Earlier this week i posted how full the shelter is.  there are ferrets
This week, Xena was adopted.  She used to play with Carla, the one mommie
thinks is pregnant.  Carla now plays with Hurricane, Tornado, Chloe &
Echo.  Chloe & Echo both came in this week.  Echo is very shy around other
ferrets, but he'll soon come out of his shell.
We are getting in a ferret from the Toronto H.S.  tomorrow.  He bites and
has a really big tumor on his back.  The T.H.S.  was going to put him to
sleep, but i told mommie we should give him a second chance...i think we'll
name him Chance.
Tugger isn't doing so well.  not sure if i told you or not, but he's
growing tumors on the inside of his eye lids.  The vet doesn't think she
can operate on them, but we may try to get him into see a specialist.  The
Lupron shots haven't helped Tug the way they've helped me.  He's had 4
shots now, and he keeps loosing hair and weight.  Mommie loves him so much
and so do i.  Princess is taking care of him though and loves to show him
around the house.  i just can't believe how well he gets around being both
blind and deaf.
We are in DESPERATE need of foster homes for older/harder to adopt ferrets.
The shelter is near capacity and we aren't coping so well.  I see mommie
crying sometimes because it gets too stressful here.  Please, if you can
help, taking just one ferret for a couple of weeks, let us know.
I'm still doing great.  I chased mommie, auntie Carla and grandma around
the house for over an hour today while auntie Barri was here.  i'm so
looking forward to meeting you all at Ferrets 2000.  i think i may cry when
i see all of you who have helped mommie and the F.A.S.  to make me better.
it's been over 3 years now that i've been here, and i have all of you to
thank for my life.  i would have died a long time ago if it wasn't for all
of you helping with my surgeries (i've had over 40 to date) and sending me
cards, presents (i love those <grin> ) and prayers.  i love you all and
thank you from the bottom of my heart.  if it wasn't for you, i'd be dead.
BIG kisses from me, i love you all,
Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society Ferrets 2000 Conference
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[Posted in FML issue 3135]