I want to extend a heartfelt "thank you" to everyone for your warm and
wonderful thoughts on Sweet Little Crystall's passing.  She had to have
a little help to the Rainbow Bridge, but she went very quickly.  Now she
can be healthy and get around with no more discomfort.  And best of all
she can be with others.
And Sandee I want to send a very special "Thank You" to you for welcoming
Sweet Little Crystall.  Even though I have seven little ferrets living with
me, there was something, some quality that was unique about Sweet Little
Crystall.  Don't get me wrong, all of the other seven are special in their
own little ways, this little girl got to me even though she was with me a
very short time.  Thank you again, it is good to know that she is doing
well.  Yes, she was not feeling well for a while.
Thank You to everyone,
[Posted in FML issue 3130]