>From:    Corinn Lesperance <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Has anyone ever seen....
>Awhile ago I was hunting around on the web and came across this
>particular,well I guess you would call it a type of gate.  It was clear
>plastic that went in front of the door, but it had a convex form (it
>bubbled out away from the ferrets room) Has anyone ever seen anything
>like this.
Hi Corinn- my boyfriend has 4 ferrets and, rather than using a commercial
gate, he went to Orchard Supply and got a piece of plexiglass and cut it so
that it's tall enough so they can't leap over it and wide enough to put it
in the doorway and make it bow inward towards the rooms they're in- that
makes it a lot harder for them to push it aside (so far so good...).  It's
totally easy to remove and put back if needed.  He put a long piece of red
tape across the top of the plexiglass so that the humans don't trip over
it and fall flat on their faces :)
good luck!
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[Posted in FML issue 3134]