I've been letting the kids out to play for longer periods of time.  So,
I've seen behavior that I never saw before, especially with Cotton.
For instance, Cotton has taken to sleeping near me when it's time for a
nap.  She's slept under my computer table while I'm on my computer; she's
slept under my coffee table when I've been watching TV while sitting on the
floor; she'll sleep on the top floor of their cage if I'm watching TV from
the couch.  Plus, she always likes to follow me around, and she likes to
play hide-n-seek too.
Onyx has been fitting into the household nicely; I put Onyx and Cotton
together the week of July 4th.  I found shortly after that, that Onyx is
the alpha ferret.  Saw her dragging Cotton around the cage by her throat.
Onyx also has a nickname of Hissy Missy!  If I play tug of war with her,
she'll hiss if I won't let go of the string.  A plastic bag she likes to
play in was temporarily stuck under one of the legs of a dining room chair.
She was trying to drag it away, but it wouldn't budge, so she started
hissing at the chair!
Tonight (Friday) was bath night, because they're going to the vet in the
morning for their rabies vaccinations.  Cotton always struggles during the
bath, but she always wants back in the tub after she dries off.  This was
Onyx's first bath, and it was quite a success!  I put her in the tub with
me; the water was only shoulder-deep to a ferret.  She walked around a bit,
stuck her head underwater and blew a few bubbles.  Then she realized she
was all wet, and wanted out.  She didn't struggle very much while I washed
her, but she was glad when it was over.  Poofy tails bouncing all over the
place, and Cotton licking my feet because they were wet!
Something everyone might want to consider if you have kits that are
chewing on things; get them a Cheweasel (or a Marshall's Chew).  Onyx's
MF paperwork came with a Marshall's Chew, and she really liked it!  I got
her a few more, because I believe it helped with the rest of her teething.
Since she's had chews available to her since I brought her home, she's
never shown any desire to chew on anything else (except Cotton, of course).
This has gotten kind of long, so I guess I'll shut up now  :-)
[Posted in FML issue 3134]