Hello all I know it has been a long time since I last posted.  The reason
being my ferret has been ill with an ulcer on and off since February 2000.
I had to post to let you know what Nutirphase food is.  I worked at
Petsmart for over four years and will tell you.  It is a food for all kinds
of animals not made by Petsmart but FOR Petsmart.  I will not divulge the
company but it is one we have all heard of and are familiar with.
As for someone stating 8 in One Ferret food causes ulcers and kidney
problems would you have any proof to this since as I said my ferret eats
this food since before I even adopted him over two years ago.  My vet told
me the food was fine and there were no problems he was aware of.  If you
have some medical proof could you email me it?  I really would appreciate
it since so far no medication is helping and now has stopped eating and
drinking on his own for two weeks.  I am giving him his meds (there are
over four he has to have a day plus giving him almost two jars of Gerber
Stage 2 Turkey Baby food.)I would love to know if what was posted is true
about 8 in One..  I wish I had the money to afford Totally Ferret Food but
at this time do not.  I did ask my vet what food to feed my two ferrets
and he did tell me 8 in one was just as good at TF...
Thanks for letting me post and please keep Fatbert who is so ill in your
[Posted in FML issue 3160]