Just because a lump under the rug is not moving, doesn't mean there is no
ferret under there!  My ferrets love to snorkel under the rugs and thus the
rugs always have lumps in them.  Normally I'm more careful, but today my
mind was elsewhere.  Yup you guessed it, I stood on a lump and there was
a ferret under it :(.  Fortunately I felt the resistance before I put too
much pressure on the ferret and he is OK.  Really scared me though.  A
sharp / scary reminder to be careful!
I provide a lot of eMail support (in a number of forums / topics) and as
much as I try not to let it bother me, I do get a bit miffed if I don't get
an acknowledgment.  Human nature I guess.
Had to take a ferret in to be euthanised today.  What a heart wrenching
experience.  Almost as heart wrenching as seeing the ferret suffer.  I
don't handle death very well.  And although I only knew Twink a few days,
my heart is very heavy.  What a decision to have to make, to end a little
life (even if it was a unanimous group decision).  Hope I never have to do
that again.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
[Posted in FML issue 3158]