Hi Folks
I would like to thank everyone who sent good wishes and prayers for our
Moxy.  We are always open to and grateful for any help we can get.
I have had Moxy home from the vet for about a week now and she hasn't had
any more spells since she got home.  She did have one spell at the vets
and Dr. Cathy thinks it is a coughing spell.  She did exrays and they
showed an enlarged heart, an enlarged spleen, and Cathy thinks she can
see the adrenal tumor.  The enlarged heart is pushing against the trachea
and displacing it slightly and we think that is the cause of the coughing
spells.  I noticed when she sleeps in her hammock she has her neck
extended.  I think this is to ease her breathing by decreasing the
displacement of the trachea.  Dr. Cathy thinks that the enlarged spleen is
partly due to retained fluid and of course the adrenal tumor is getting
larger.  We have her on 3 medications and they are, furosimde (lasix) to
reduce the retained fluid, enalapril (enacard) to strengthen the beat of
her heart and prednisone.  The prednisone has drastically reduced the size
of her vulva.
I took her to the vet late on a Tuesday afternoon and brought her home at
noon on the Fri.  I took some of her food with her and a 24 oz container of
duck soup.  She ate ALL of the duck soup!!  The little piggy.  LOL The vets
said "well at least we know she still enjoys eating" No kidding!  She is
more active through the day than during the evening, so I make sure her
cage gets out for free time early.  She does tend to wander back to her bed
fairly soon, but I did catch her wrestling with Mitzy a little and she's
put Sandy in his place a couple of times.  So for now we are over another
crisis.........I am almost bald but we have survived .  I get really
stressed when my little ones are not well.  If I could take their illness
onto myself and save them the suffering I surely would.
The support I have received from the FML over Baby's recent passing and now
Moxy's latest setback has been truly heart warming and you people may never
know how much it means to me to have that support.  My SO thinks we should
help Moxy to cross the Bridge, but in my heart I know she is not ready.
Now on a happier note.....Is anyone out there attending Ferrets 2000?  My
SO registered me for the full 3 days as a birthday gift to me!  I can
hardly wait!  My birthday was 3 days after Baby's passing, so at first I
wasn't too excited about my gift.  I am starting to get excited now and I
am wondering how many of you very special people I will meet.  I would like
to make a list of people from the FML that I can look for there?  How about
it folks?  Can we post a short note on the FML so everyone going will know
who to watch for.  I am dying to meet Bob Church and BIG and Troy Lynn!
Who else can we expect to meet there!  There is only 3 weeks to wait, so
lets hear from everyone who is planning to attend?
Sally St. Germain and her 11 "Little Saints."
Hi....my name is Sally....I am a ferret-a-holic!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3157]