Something on my mind!
Is saying "thank you" such a big deal?  Is letting someone know that you
received the items they sent so time consuming that a couple minutes
can't be spent writing out a short note?  I understand that those who run
shelters or rescues are incredibly busy, but doesn't common etiquette
dictate that you say thank you when someone goes out of their way to help?
This is just a polite reminder that a thank you goes a long way!  I am
posting anonymously not due to a lack of courage, but because I like to
choose who I help and a post like this might make one assume that I have
money to throw away... I don't!  I scrimp, budget, do without, make do with
what I have, and if there is a little left over, I try to put it where it's
most needed.  I, for one, hate to have people beg me for money...but on the
other hand, when someone needs help, I try to do what I can!  In the last
couple months I have sent small checks to 4 different shelters-only one
responded with a thank you.  I have paid on the vet bills of 2 people from
this list that I don't know personally, and one that I do.  Only the one I
know said thank you.  I have purchased a poor neglected ferret from a
pet store and found it a loving home.  I paid a stupid idiot a large sum
of money to rescue two neglected and starving ferrets from his clutches
and placed them in a loving home.  Even though they are both wonderful
homes-only one took the time to say thank you!  I have paid 3 admissions
to the ferret conference.  I purchased over $100.00 worth of supplies in
response to a post from a disaster organization on this list-paid over
$20.00 to ship these supplies, and have no clue if the supplies were ever
received or not.  And... I have sent 2 boxes containing hammocks and sleep
sacks to two different shelters-both with no response.  I am to the point
where I will probably not be sending much out in the future.  I am
frustrated with the lack of gratitude I have found.  It seems to me that
there is an attitude out there where some people EXPECT and RELY on
donations and because of this, maybe they don't think thanks is required.
Sounds silly to me, but how else do you explain it???  I'm not saying you
need to hire a skywriter to say thanks-just a postcard, or an e-mail....
just something to let us know our gifts were received!  After all...these
gifts do come from the heart!
Just sign me....frustrated and about all gave out!
[Posted in FML issue 3154]