Response to:
Nausea, loss of memory, fatigue, dizziness, difficulty breathing.  Worse
now since you have moved and have acquired more ferrets: Need help.
Sounds like you need to have a full blood work up, see how your hormonal
levels might be and seek an allergist.  You may have a combination of
problems.  One of those MIGHT be CFS.
There are others of us here who have had a number of your symptoms.  I
urge you to Pray to God for His;to give you the strength to help to get
you through this.
Some suggestions as you seek the proper medical attention:
Relax, get lots of sleep, drink 8 glasses of water a day, no more animals!
No animals in your bedroom allowed-even if it means they sleep in a cage
in the living room.  Been there-done that.  People think it is strange-
too bad.
No coffee, no cigarettes, no alcohol, take your vitamins daily and eat
well.  Have your carpet and drapes cleaned, dust, wash the floors, no
caustic chemical cleaners, check out CO levels in your place?  Fire
department will come over free here.
Dust mites are a big problem.  Lots of complications may arise from them.
Put special bedding on: goes over the mattress, and pillow cases.  I have
blankets for allergic people also.  Someone have an idea of where to get
these online???
Open the window at least an hour a day.  Your ferrets need fresh air.  So
do you.  Clean litter boxes at least once a day.  Dump poopie stuff outside
at least once a day.  Wash your hands afterwards.
Walk or work out in some manner no matter how rotten you feel.  Do it for
your ferrets if you are too tired to do it for you.  Stretch.
I hope you find out quickly what the problem is.  But often this is not the
case.  It is depressing to be tired all the time.  Take 3 St. John Wort a
day every day if you are not on antidepressants.  Taken on a consistent
basis, this has been found by many to have the same beneficial effects of
antidepressants prescribed by your doctor.
I don't know your age, or if you have had surgeries, or came from a home
where people smoked.  So I cannot say anymore other than-buy bottled water
or get a good filter.  Do NOT drink water out of the tap.
Hope this helps.  It is a bunch of little things that can have a major
impact on how you feel.  I know.
[Posted in FML issue 3154]