I got my first ferret about a week ago, a big sable 6 week old boy.  Though
he seems alittle older the pet shop said he was 4 or 5 weeks old.  Well
he's doing good so far but there are a few difficulties.  For one we won't
or don't like eating Ferretone, Ferretvite, or Benadryl (he's been sneezing
a bit) so does anyone know how I can get him to take some atleast once
a week?  Also I was wondering what kind of time table poeple keep out
there.  Like how often do you clean ears and givee bathes, and give all the
supplements?  Also today when I came in to my room, Squirtle was sleeping
but him breathing seemed to be more rapid and he was flinching on the end
of him tail and feet much like a dog does when he dreams.  Once I picked
him up and woke him up he was fine.  Went to the bathroom in his box and
then wouldn't stay in me lap anylonger for fear him toy racoon might run
away if not tackled.  I would like any input on this.  Do ferrets dream
like dogs?  Or is it something else?  Anyone experiance this before with
there ferret?
[Posted in FML issue 3153]