>We had recently moved to a new army base and I had to have my fuzzies
>microchipped.  Sniffles seems fine with it but Batty seems really annoyed
>anytime you touch the area were they placed it.  It has been awhile now
>and she still fusses with it.  Anyone else went through this?  Or hs
>anyone read anything about micrchipping ferret?
I've had dogs, cats, and ferrets microchipped with little trouble, but I
did have one cat that had some hairloss/irritation after the procedure.  It
resolved on it's own after about 2-3 months.  I have not had a problem with
the other 9 (2 ferrets, 2 dogs, 4 cats) and have not seen any problems with
any of our patients at work.  I am currently working on getting the rest of
our gang 'chipped because I honestly believe it is the best way to protect
my pets for their lifetime.  Tags and collars can be lost/removed.
Tattoo's can be hard to trace.  But, the microchip companies offer a
nationwide database.  We've been able to trace a former owner from Indiana
to Hawaii (she had given the pet away, but didn't change the necessary info
and her family told us where she was and that the pet had been given away).
I personally have been able to reunite two stray dogs with owners because
of microchips, and one of them was a 17 year old, deaf, female that was
almost 20 miles from her home during the middle of winter.  How she got
that far, no one will ever know, but it was such a great feeling to be able
to get her back home again!  Not everyone will agree, but microchips are a
good thing in my book.
Carrie, you didn't specify how long it has been, but my personal "rule" is
that if you are concerned enough to ask, then it is concern enough to ask
the vet to do a recheck just to be sure (don't know how military bases
work, but most vets will do this at no charge if you think there is a
problem).  Most likely it is just some mild inflammation/irritation that
will resolve on it's own in time, but when in doubt, always check with
the vet.
Stacia and the zoo
[Posted in FML issue 3153]