Well, it has hit me again, the Ferret Math!  I started with one fert back
in fall of '98.  In early summer of '99 I got the second to keep the first
company.  They have been wonderful pets.  At times have pissed me off
royally, but patience is a virtue.  THey are animals, and don't think in
the terms a human does.  Kindness goes a long way as does forgiveness.
Any fault has to be of the owner, not the animal.  I have come to accept
that and it works fine.
Just recently, I heard of a person some distance south of me, but not that
far, that had two ferts needing a home where they would be out of the cage.
As right now, they are in the cage all the time.  After hearing of the
Squiggles story, I decided that if I could not have Squiggles, then I would
be honored to take these two that are not being mistreated at all, in fact,
they have a decent home, except they are in the cage all the time.  So,
here it goes, ferret math!  Ha!  I go from one, to two, to four.... ha!
These animals are not a pet for everyone but a fine pet for those who will
be patient and forgiving.  I love mine to death.
Nibble-ed is a biter.  She is so much better now than as a kit.  She just
had no idea what she was actually doing.  I would hold a raisin for her,
and she would take the finger with it.  Ha!  She smelled sweets (has a real
sweet tooth...) on my mothers arm and took a hunk out thinking it was candy
of sorts.  She now will take a raisin but roll her lips back so as to not
touch my finger and ever so gently take the raisin, and RUN LIKE HELL!  Ha!
Her feet are half again larger than a normal fert's feet so they slap on
the floor when she runs.  Just fun to hear her running!
Well, nuff for now.
Gordon, Byte-me, Nibble-ed, and ..  (Get the next batch on Thursday, don't
even know their names yet!)
[Posted in FML issue 3152]