I think what I was asking in my last post was written wrong and I came off
looking like I was B*tch*ng that I hadn't gotten my magazine.  The whole
reason I was wondering about issues was that when I subscribed the people
on this list and APF made it sound like the issue was coming out very soon.
I was afraid the maybe I never received it.  I don't know Mary and Eric but
I can sympathize with them as I have been in a similar situation with my
father.  I don't care that I haven't gotten it, I was just wondering if I
had maybe missed an issue and so I asked when the next one was coming out
to see if there was any Rhyme or Reason of the way issues were put out.
I'm sorry if I sounded as if I was being b*t*hy, but also please understand
that we all are going through personal issues!  My last post was written
shortly after my basement flooded and ruined the 300 cups, plates, napkins
and other paper products I need for my wedding this coming Saturday!  Money
is a BIG issue right now because of the wedding and I am VERY stressed!
So I am sorry Mary and Eric if I have upset things anymore!  That really
wasn't my intent!
And to make this Ferret related, I saw a beautiful black eyed white at the
MN Renaissance Festival this weekend!  Made me come home and spend hours
with the furbrats who have been a little neglected for play time but still
plenty spoiled!
[Posted in FML issue 3151]