Hi all
I get caught up on all da work and am taking it easy for a while.
A pair came in today.  They said their names were Frisky and Ginger.  I
gave them da tour of da place.  Da male, Frisky kept dragging this feathery
thing with him.  I told him somebody would get dat if he didn't hide it
right.  They were really interested in da Gravy Gourmet.  They said dat
they hadn't been eating to good lately cause they were sick and wanted to
catch up.  After they ate a whole bunch and depleted da gravy supply a
little, they said they were going over to Dirt Mountain and dig a big den
to hide their stuff in.  They were soon digging away and dirt was flying
everywhere.  At da rate they were going they will have a den in no time.
They said to tell mommy dat there is no more pain and they feel great.
They said to send lots of luv, hugs and kisses from both of them.
A little guy came in today.  He said hiz name waz Angus.  I gave him da
tour of da place.  He went over to da Fruit Bar and ate a lot of dat.
After he had hiz snack he said he waz interested in da Flying Lessons.  He
said he wanted to soar in da sky instead of walking.  I set him up with an
instructor and he was soon soaring away with da best of them.  Hiz landings
are not to good but he said he is going to practice til he gets it right.
No more walking for him and he doesn't have to worry about feet anymore.
He said he was sorry but it was just hiz time.  He will be right here
waiting for you.  He said to tell his mommy he luved her bunches for
putting up with him and sends lots of bite free kisses.
I am going over to da Gravy Gourmet and have me something to eat.  Then I
feel a nap coming on.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3131]