I know that there has been alot of discussion about hair loss on the tail;
but I probably haven't been paying attention.  Here goes, anyway:
my Lucy, who carries a diagnosis of insulinoma, has been on Prednisone
every other day since late March, and has been playing and dooking and
being a wild woman all the while.  Well, she is still playing and dooking
and is my wildest craziest baby; but she is losing the hair on her tail.
The vet took hair samples for culture, skin scrapings on her tail and
looked at it under a ultraviolet light.  He says it is either skin related
or she is having a cushingoid reaction to the prednisone.  I guess ferrets
can develop Cushings' disease too.  If they have to cut back on the
prednisone, what will happen?  I would appreciate anyone who might have
been through this to email me, and thanks.
Now...if I were a ferret, the first thing I would do......
is to put everything that I considered mine in a hideyhole so that my
kids wouldn't get to it!  I would also consider biting my neighbors on
their ankles!  (some people maybe do deserve that, at least!)
Sharon and the gang of four: Echo, Tally, Toby and Lucy too.
[Posted in FML issue 3151]