From the Ferret Haven Sheller/Rescue of Boise, Inc.
10 Commandments a ferret owner mus
1. My life is likely to last 5-8 years, any separation from you will be
   very painful.
2. Give me time understand what you want from me.
3. Show me your is crucial for my well being
4. Remember that I am a small animal that can be hurt easily. Protect me
   from all that is brought around.
5. Teach me with encouragement not abuse.
6. Talk to me, even if I don't understand your words, I recognize your
7. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment, you
   have your work friends, entertainment. I only have you!
8. Before you hit me....remember that I have teeth and can hurt you but I
   choose not to use them.
9. Care for me when I get old, remember you to will grow old
10. Go with me on difficult journey's, never say " I can't bare to watch"
or "let it happen in my absence".  I am scared and everything is easier if
your are with me.
From AFA Report Volume 10, number 5 September- October 99
Thought everyone would like this,it made me cry the first time I read it,
I went home and gave them a big ferret kiss!
[Moderator's note: More or less identical posts appeared several times
on the FML (issues 1585, 2092 and 2281), preceeding its appearance in
the AFA report.  I thought (the late) Bob Rudich wrote it, but I'm not
sure anymore.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3148]