igive (igive.com)
Some FML members may not know about iGive or what it provides for charities
(shelters).  iGive is a surfing site that your clicks provide pennies
each day that are donated to your designated charity and it doesn't cost
anything to you.  Thank you to those that surf for us.  Your surfing really
does make a difference!  And ditto for all our supporters too!
At the bottom of my signature, and many others, there is a link to click on
to take you to iGive to sign up to surf for that particular charity.  The
site is a little difficult to figure out but once you are registered you
can click on a tab at the top of the iGive homepage (there are 5 I think -
shopping, myigive, specials, etc.) and after that page loads you can hit
your back button and it should credit your charity with 1 cent.  If you've
purchased something through the stores at iGive the charities get a
percentage of the postage (each store sets the percentage and it is listed
- they have stores like PetSmart, Pets.com, Borders.com, Barnes and Noble,
health stores, etc.) and then you also earn 4 cents for each click (total
clicks it will credit us is 5 each day).  It only takes a few minutes to
surf the site to earn donations for your charity and each month iGive sends
out a check to the charities.  So please do sign up for your favorite
charity and help earn donations for them at no cost to you!
Two surgeries yesterday.  Spleen and pancreatic tumor removal on Maxim and
hairball (surprise) and left adrenal removal on K.C.  Larry wouldn't tell
me what the foreign object (aliens????) was on the phone so I had to wait
till I got down there last night.  Wow.  Two rather large (never would have
passed out of the stomach) hairballs.  No wonder K.C. was thin, although
his appetite was good and his stools were just perfect.  No indication
other than the thinness.
So surgeries went well and the boys are eating their recipe well and
sleeping well so hopefully they'll heal quickly.  Larry was a bit
disappointed.  Maxim REALLY loves Larry.  When we got there in the morning
he paced the cage till I took him out and handed him to Larry,then he
stretched as far as he could to shower Larry with kisses.  Well after
surgery Larry asked for a kiss and Maxim wouldn't kiss him.  Larry's
feelings were hurt.  As soon as Maxim is feeling better I'll take him back
so Larry can get his face washed with Maxim kisses again. :-)
Everyone have a good weekend and don't forget to spend some extra
play/cuddle time with your little ones.  Hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3148]