Hi all,
When I read this post, I just sat back and shook my head in wonder.  Why
would a person allow someone else tell them what pets they can or cannot
keep?  Unless things have changed in the few years I have been married,
don't you marry a person (or long term relationship) just as they are?
pets and all?  My husband really doesn't care for my fuzzies but he knew
I had them when we met.  He knew I had them when we married.  And two
years ago when my Buddy died(he was my very first ferret..8 yrs. old), my
husband was the one that buried Buddy for me.  Why did he do this?  not
because he was overly fond of Buddy..he did it because of his love for me.
So, in my honest opinion, if you plan on marrying someone, marry someone
who can at least tolerate your babies and understands they are part of you.
Please don't marry someone who "wants them gone".  This person is a selfish
person and doesn't know what true love is.
By the way, my husband already knows.."he will go before any of my babies..
2 and 4 legged".
Dooks to all!!!
Pat L.
[Posted in FML issue 3147]