Hello all!
I attended my second ferret "show" (the first being the AFA show in
Pensauken, NJ) and I had an absolute blast!
I didn't take my fuzzy's for a few reasons.  One being I wanted to check
out the show the other being, I was going to work the MetroFerret table.
Well, part of my job was to "show" the boss' kids.  She had me do so
to give me experience at showing ferrets.  I must say, I regretted not
bringing my guys.  My Dante would have charmed everyone with his
personality.  He is the biggest flirt!  It also helps being small and
pretty...but, trust me he is all boy!  (neutered).  Anyway, I got to meet
Shirley from Warm and Fuzzy, with whom I had communicated with a month
earlier.  I also met Sharon from PA Ferret Rescue (Kym Barone is the head
of this organization and a felow fml'r), Skip from Martin's cages who
designed my cage (once I described my cage, he said he remembered me),
Anne Barazda (sp?) another fml'r and the Killian's who jusdged the
Sables (Mr. Killian, when you said you recognized my name, was that a good
thing? <g>).  Oh, and of course, I must mention The Ferret Store as their
table was next to MetroFerrets.  It was great putting faces with the
names.  And everyone was extremely nice and obviously having a ton of fun.
There was a young girl there who showed off her fuzzy's trick of "play
dead".  Kym (Kista) had a ferret who laughs when his tummy is tickled
(the coolest thing I ever saw!!!).  Oh and Kym's guy won best dressed
as an astronaut (homemade costume).
The show had a great astmosphere.  No tension.  No competitive feelings.
It was a fun, laid back show.  The next one is in Feb...I recommend anyone
and everyone who can go to definitely attned.  You will have the best
time.  Like I said, I have only been to two ferret shows and this was the
By the way, pls excuse any typo's or mispellings.  I have webtv and am
sitting on the sofa without my glasses.  Thank goodness for six years of
typing class between Jr and Sr. H.S. :)
Lise and the fuzzies: Domi, Nonnie, Stacia, Cooper, and Dante
pls visit: www.metroferret.org
[Posted in FML issue 3115]