I know there are people on this list that have waterbeds.  I had a nice
wavelss mattress up until about April when it was murdered because some
fuzzies who will remain nameless, (only because I couldn't catch anyone at
it) decided they wanted to either go to the beach or water ski or some
other devilish notion.
I am intending on taking out this old carpet & putting tile down, yet this
year.  I was going to wait until then to set up another mattress, as it is
so much of a hassle to drain, etc, but my body is telling me not to wait.
What I would like to know is how do you protect your mattress from a
little digging machine looking for water?  (They have one water pan in
the bathtub & another on the floor if they want to play in the water)
They got at the last one by a corner & my mattress pad was just on top of
the mattress, so they could easily get to the ends, corner or sides.  I
don't want another mess if I can help it.  All hints, suggestions, tried &
true methods are welcome.  Giving up my water bed is not an option.  And
this is the only room, (bedroom & bath) that they can play in.
At the demise of my water mattress I put in temporarily, a air mattress,
it had a life span of two weeks when Cocoa found the place where you put
the air in & decided to put holes in it.  Very temporary indeed.
Lynn & Clan War Weasels
[Posted in FML issue 3114]