I have a ferret that used to bite at the squeak of a toy.  Well she did
more than bite, she chomped with a vengeance.  She would have her teeth
into me and then her body would be like a live wire straight out from
where her teeth were implanted.
Although her bites were a bit painful I don't agree with getting rid of
the squeaky toys.  There's a chance that this noise could save your
ferret(s) life one day if they accidentally get outside.
The solution that I used after I realized that she had a problem.  I would
squeak the ball and as soon as I would see her head pop out from wherever
she was I would give her a treat (ferretone, ferretvite, raisin, etc.)
After about a month of doing this, she was no longer afraid of the noise
and I was no longer afraid of what she would do to me:)
[Posted in FML issue 3113]