Rick Robbins (Robbins Nest) was arrested and charged with animal abuse and
put on 6 months probation.  He stated he did not sell ferrets.
Back in August, 1997, to Oct, 1998 if you were involved and bought any
ferrets from Mr. Rick Robbins will you please contact me.  Currently, I
have 4 others outside myself that who have bought ferrets from him.  I need
to be able to go to the states attorney and IRS with proof that he was
selling ferrets for profit.  This will bring him under closer scrutiny by
the tax authorities.
Tax evasion will make him subject to more frequent checks and such.
Again, I ask if you bought any ferrets from Rick Robbins located in Granite
City area please e-mail me.
Thank you
[Posted in FML issue 3100]