Dooks and fuzzy hugs to all.  My condolensces to those with sick or lost
fuzzies or those that have gone to the Rainbow Bridge.
I got my newest little girl, Molly, about two weeks ago.  I needed another
girl because my two boys, Sebastian, and Sonny, had bonded so closely that
they wouldn't play with Felicia.  They would exclude her and play by
themselves.  She got mopey and slept alot.
Well, I e-mailed Debi Christy the Ferrets First Shelter in Texas and they
came through for me agian.  They set me up with the most beautiful little
dark sable girl.  When her full winter coat comes in, she will be almost
entirely black.
I named her Molly.  She so fun to play with.  She's a bouncy, pudgy little
girl.  I can't believe she weighs three pounds; she's so tiny.  She and
Felicia went through their adjustment period and pecking order decision.
Now, they snuggle and play together as if they grew up together.
Sebastian and Sonny have even welcomed her to the family and shared their
treats and hammocks with her.  I have been showing her a little more
attention to get used to me.  Now, Sebastian feels slighted.  He has
become a regular attack ferret just to get attention.
I sit on the floor and call him to me and he trots along as if nothing is
wrong.  When he gets about 3 or 4 feet away, he lunges, arms outstretched.
He likes to nip and run, then come back for more.  I don't know if he is
going through his terrible two's or he really is jealous of Molly.
We tried several training methods with Sebastian to break him from biting
or digging.  Water guns was his favorite!  He loves to play in the water
and he opens his mouth for the squirt of the gun.  It's like a refreshing
drink to him.  Gotta go.  I think they are finding something else to break
Shannon C. (owned by 4 carpet sharks...
Sebastian, Molly, Felicia, & Sonny). ;p
[Posted in FML issue 3111]