Just wanted to remind everyone that when they ask their vets to fill out
the survey for the new distemper vaccine to also send in the adrenal
survey to Wildlife Pharmaceuticals,Inc.  They are interested in developing
an affordable, long-acting, injection to treat the clinical signs of
adrenal.  We need a cheaper alternative to Lupron!
If your vet didn't receive the survey, they can contact them at:
Wildlife Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Atten. Alison Morgan
1401 Duff Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80524
970-484-6267  fax 970-484-4941
Like the distemper vaccine, this company also wants to find out how much
interest there is in this type of treatment before they invest in this
The ferret community definitely needs to get behind these two important
[Posted in FML issue 3111]