Hi all
Sorry this one is late.  They had a little crissis at my hoomans house and
I was watching and not typing.  So even though da important stuff is done
like settling them in I didn't get to type it up.
A little girl came in today.  She said her name waz Bear.  She waz met by
Tinder.  They were really happy to see one another and there waz a lot of
rolling around and playing going on.  Then they got down to da news and
updates and gossip which took some time.  Hmm bubblewrap is usually not
available here as da Big Boss doesn't get many packages but I will check
on it.  They went over to da Babyfood Balconey and had some lunch.  She
said she waz a little hungry and ate a lot.  She said she felt bunches
better.  She said to send her mommy and daddy lots of luv and kisses.
I thought I did check but I went back and looked at my sent messages and
it wazn't there.  Goes to show there is only one perfect being around
here.  I looked up Peanut Butter and found him and Scruffee in da Tube
Races.  They were not doing to bad at it either although they were not the
fastest ones but they gave it their all and had a lot of fun at it.  I
talked to him for some time and he said dat he waz doing well and waz
indeed waiting for da little hooman to get here although he may not be
little when he arrives.  Da smell never changes so he will know.  He said
to send hiz love to da little hooman and to give him a big ferret kiss.
Time is realitive and da wait is not forever here.  There are many things
to while away da wait but eventually it is rewarded and fulfilled as shown
last week when some of da lucky ones were reunited with their hooman.
Good things come to those who wait.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3111]