>Hello to all the Ferret loved and the Ferret knowledgeable.A big thank
>you to everyone who takes the time in presenting the FML (especially BIG)
>and to everyone who posts on the FML (especially Bob C.  whom I have
>learned a hell of a lot from reading all the postings I can find).  Thank
>you for the time you put in Bob.Please don,t be away from the FML for too
>long.  You are sorly missed.  Your humour and your knowledge.
I have been thinking along the same lines as Ed Hoffer for a long time
now.  As Ed says, we all get to read the questions and problems but don't
always get to read the answers to those problems as they are posted
privately to the questioner.  It would be really helpfull to an awful lot
of Ferret loved if the answerers of the questions would answer publicly as
well as privately.  There has been many many questions over the time that
I would have loved the answers to, and have scanned the FML daily to catch
the answer to no avail.  Would all you kind and helpful people, who have
much more Ferret knowledge than I, PLEASE consider sending your
advise/answers to the FML for everyone's sake as well as privately.
Thanking you kindly
Colleen with Masika, Baby, Dukedearfa, Ekatsim, Roscoe, Fleur, Zelotis,
Zakiya, Baldadear, Scruffy man and x amount of adoptables as they come and
go.  At the moment we have Taz, a female albino with red eyes.  A sweety
with us humans but seems to want to kill other ferrets.  Although she
plays with mice.???  Romeo, a two year old sable male .Very small, very
fast and very sweet.  Doesn,t stay still long enough to get beaten up by
the others.  Rangi, a very sweet sable male with humans but not too keen
on other ferrets.  A quiet boy.  Kit, a lively little female sable.  After
a little bit of bickering kit seems to get on O.K.  with everyone.
Cheers, Colleen and her Furby gang.
[Posted in FML issue 3111]