Hi there!
My name is Sarah (Sydney, Australia), I'm new to the FML and have only had
my girls for about 4 months now.  Belle is a sable 8 mths old and Lucy is
a BEW 7 mths old.
Lucy is very extroverted, hyeractive and wonderful.  Everytime she sees
water deeper than 2 inches she dives in face first (only up to the base of
her ears) snorkelling.  Very amusing to watch.  Belle is slightly more
placid and loves cuddles and kisses.
Belle is recovering from a nasty cold.  She stopped eating for 2 days and
I was giving her electrolytes.  She will eat Hills A/D Diet and nothing
else at the moment.  I've tried roast chicken and other treats that she
normally loves with little success.  Isn't interested in soaked kibbles
(IAMS or another premium kitten food which she normally loves), any
suggestions to tempt my lass to eat?
They both aren't very interested in meat either unless it's covered in soy
milk which they adore and then they only have the tiniest amount.  Does
anyone else have ferrets that aren't keen on meat?
Cheers, Sarah, Belle and Lucy
[Posted in FML issue 3110]