>A note here...ferrets imprint on foods at a young age and after they
>grow older, it is almost impossible to change foods.  They will starve
>themselves to death.
This is just not true.  It may be true for SOME (I'd say few) ferrets,
but I, and I'm sure others on this list, have personally had experience
switiching older ferrets to different foods.  The reason I feel obligated
to reply to this is because I often hear people use this argument as an
excuse for not trying to switch their ferrets from a low qual. cat food
to a higher quality food.
I think the reason people say this is because it can be DIFFICULT to
switch a ferret from it's food, but it can be done in most cases by
gradual mixing of the two foods.
I do agree with your idea of feeding a mix of foods so that they will be
used to all, in case one changes or goes out of business.
Leigh W.
[Posted in FML issue 3110]