I missed the article on tail wagging, Recently we brought home a baby girl
and Jason seems to want to hurt her.  I assume this is new ferret jealousy
and I'm sure Jason will get over it.  The question is this, when Jason
approaches the new baby, his tail twitches and wags.  Please, is this a
sign of aggression or excitement.  I have seen the baby do the same thing
with her tail and I am not sure what they are saying.  The other day, I had
Jason and the new baby Jennifer out together and Jason grabbed her by the
head and started to drag her down the hallway.  This disturbed me and made
Jason turn her loose.  I really hope that Jason will accept the baby girl
and will eventually play with her.  Jennifer is growing very fast and she
is almost twice a big as when we brought her home from the store!  Are
there any ideas or suggestions?
[Posted in FML issue 3109]