Hey All,
Well tonight as I was licking and puckering on an extremely sour sucker one
of the neighborhood kids gave me, Brock came up to see what Mom had.
He sniffed.
Then he licked.
Then he shook his head.
Thought about it.
Then licked again.
Repeated this about a dozen times, all in the same order.
I think he must have his Mom's love of sour candy. ;-)
Maggie and her Really Hot Crew of Monkeys, all 29 of 'em
They seem to be getting around on the new Mac even better than the old one.
Chris told me you can't export these things cause they are considered a
super computer (he uses one at work).  I don't know, but it might be time
to be very very afraid.  I may have armed the F.L.O.
[Posted in FML issue 3109]