Hi all
Need to make a SERIOUS correction to advise I posted the other day, below
is the snippet:
>"I have an attacker also, though mine is provoked by sound.  I would
>suggest that you arm yourselves with a supply a kids water pistols.  The
>ingredients can be simply water to start, or perhaps some of that bitter
>apple people are talking about later on.
The part that is in error is the "bitter apple" it seems there are many
different types and some commonly accepted brands.  When I was informed
what the ingredients were in the commercial brands, all I could say was
"WHOOPS".  Stick with water, unless you are thoroughly knowledgeable, when
in doubt ask.  The whole point is to make it unpleasant, not to hurt them
or blind them.
Sorry for my oversight.
[Posted in FML issue 3109]