Hi all
I am still going around talking to all da little here waiting.  Things seem
to be going real well with everyone.
A little girl came in today.  She said her name waz Amy.  I gave her da
tour of da place.  She waz interested in all da attractions here.  She had
a lot of da treats at da Fruit Bar.  She said she hadn't been able to eat a
lot of sugar in a while but waz going to catch up.  After dat she wondered
over to da Ferretvite Festival and waz lapping up some of dat.  She did a
lot of dancing there to.  She seemed to get along with everyone and soon
had a lot of friends to dance with.  She said to tell her mommy and daddy
dat she luved them and to send lots and lots of kisses their way.
I think I am going over to da Festival and do some dancing myself.  I
haven't done dat in a while.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3108]