Lisa wrote about Otis:
>Has anyone ever had a very aggresive ferret before?  He actually loves to
>be held and will follow you aroung to pick him up but then he will also
>sneak up behind your arm and bite a chunk out of it!
>HELP Please!!!!  No, does not work, hitting is out of the question and
>time out does nothing.  Not to sound mean but Otis is not a very smart
>ferret and he doesnt catch on to those kinds of things!
I sent a private reply, then had to reconsider just sending a private one.
It seems that we all send private ones, but these suggestions and help
hints never get out to the masses.  It would be nice if the if those who
got replies consolidated the answers, and submitted them to BIG for
inclusion on the list.  I know the question, but know not the answer.
Now for my suggestion for Lisa.  Actually, in a humorous way this means
war!  "Otis" struck first....
"I have an attacker also, though mine is provoked by sound.  I would
suggest that you arm yourselves with a supply a kids water pistols.  The
ingredients can be simply water to start, or perhaps some of that bitter
apple people are talking about later on.  If nothing else, it can even
up the odds somewhat and make the battle "fun" for your family, while
harmlessly getting even."
"What's to loose, a couple of dollars and improving your aim?"
I am not making lite of the situation, I still have the bruise and scabs on
my arm to prove that "been there, done that", just realize that to break or
retrain the instincts of an animal takes time and patience.  I've done it
with other breeds (i.e. sugar glider) and that if you don't keep a positive
outlook and a sense of humor it shows and reflects.  It all has to be done
with the essence of "love for the "animal"" and that essence has to reflect
outwards, and be seen by the animal.
[Posted in FML issue 3107]