Hi all
I can neither confirm nor deny the existance of da FLO here at da bridge.
We would never affect da weather well, maybe a little bit.
A little guy came in today.  He said hiz name waz Rusty.  He waz met by Ra
and a bunch of other ferrets.  They were really interested in all dat waz
going on at home and listened for a long time as Rusty filled them in on
all da news and gossip dat he knew.  They wondered over to da Babyfood
Balconey and had lunch and then they went off to run and play together in
da fields.  They said they were going over to da Crazy Kars and have a race
later.  Rusty said to tell hiz mommy and auntie dat he luved both of them
and to send lots of hugs and kisses.
Another little guy came in today.  He said hiz name waz Oliver.  He waz
met by Joey and Phoebe.  They to were interested in da news at home.  They
wonered over to da Tube Races and were watching while they talked.  They
talked for some time.  Then the other two took Oliver off to show him all
da attractions here at da bridge and give him a tour.  I seen them
wondering around looking at everything and explaining it to him.  He seemed
in good paws.  He said to send hiz luv to hiz mommy along with lots of
cuddles and hugs.
Another little guy came in later.  He said hiz name waz Max.  I gave him da
tour of da place.  He went over to da Gravy Gourmet and sampled some of it.
He kept looking around like he waz waiting for something.  I asked him what
and he said where hooman to force him to eat.  He said he actually felt
like eating now.  I told him he waz on hiz own and he could eat anything he
wanted.  He seemed to accept dat and went off to da Ferretone Flood to get
him some of dat.  He wasn't in to da surfing part but did lap up a lot of
it.  He said to tell his mommy and daddy dat he luved them bunches and to
send lots of fuzzy kisses their way.
A happy note here at da bridge.  A hooman passed through here recently.
She waz greeted by many ferrets and with them passed over da bridge.  Many
happy ferrets here today as their long wait is over and they are reunited
with their hooman.
Message reads:
dook dook, dook dook dook, dook dook dook dook, dook
Message ends.  Priv Sandee out.
Gotto go
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3107]