I would like to say THANK YOU to all who have sent get-well messages and
said prayers for my recovery.  Recovery seems sooooo loooooong, especially
when a hooman-bean gets older (I don't remember getting older).  But,
slowly I am getting better.  I cannot express in mere words the heartfelt
thanks to all on the FML, you are truly God's extra-special caregivers to
fuzzies & hoomans alike.
To those of you who have lost their beloved 4-legged owners to the new
residence of the RAINBOW BRIDGE, my family and I send you our deepest
heartfelt condolances, along with our prayers that the Supreme Architect of
the Universe will give you peace in your hearts with the knowledge that we
shall be reunited with our beloved fuzzies when we leave this mortal earth.
In Genesis (the first book of the Torah/Bible) God created all living
creatures and "HE saw that they were good, and they were good." Further,
Jesus said that "Our Heavenly Father knows when even a sparrow falls from
the air" (Matthew 5 - Sermon on the Mount), and when Jesus was asked about
the end of time, He said that "The lion and the lamb shall lie down
together and the young child shall put his hand into the adder's den and
not be harmed." These words, I believe, means that the spirits of all God's
Creation will be in Heaven, and we will be reunited with them in Heaven and
never again to be seperated throughout eternity.
We hooman-beans have lost two wonderful workers on this earth, but we shall
see them too, in Heaven.  As they were special here on earth, they are also
special in Heaven, for they ministered unto the least of God's creation and
gave love & comfort to our 4-legged fuzzy owners.  Perhaps they are helping
Sandee right now.  May God grant them eternal peace in His Heavenly
God Bless one and all.
Rev.Ron Sims,D.D.& Family: 8 hooman-beans,18 ferts,5 canines, & 2 cats
[Posted in FML issue 3106]