I was dubious about the Lupron shots, but after Caesar having surgery a
year ago last Jan., her fur still hadn't come in.  We tried Flutamide and
it didn't work at all.  She was doing fine, but no new fur.  I called her
"my furless wonder".  Around the last part of March or first of April (I'm
not sure which, would have to look it up), I talked my vet into using the
Lupron shot.  I was looking at pictures of Caesar the other day that were
taken about two months ago.  She's like a new ferret!  Two months ago she
had very little fur, looked very thin.  She now looks like a little fur
ball with the black tip on her tail that she used to show very proudly.
Caesar is soooooo very proud of her new fur coat!  She looks like she's
about two years old now, but I think she's about 5, as I've had her two
years and she was at least 2-3 when I got her.  In our case, the shot
worked.  It was a six month dose, and only the second one my vet has ever
given so far.  The shot is not cheap, but I am so very glad I tried it on
her.  It may not work on all, but after all the bad luck I've had with
adrenals and insulinomas, it is soooooo nice to have something go right.
Noticed no side affects.  My vet warned me about a knot that might appear
at the site of receiving the shot.  But Caesar never did get one.
Otherwise, the only side affect seems to be maybe put on a little weight,
more energy and LOTS OF FUR.  Which is what we wanted!
My little "furless wonder" is now the most beautiful little DEW with a two
inch black tip on her tail.  She no longer shivers cause she's chilled.  In
fact, she sleeps on top of her covers a lot now.
Hope this answers a little of your question.
mjo and the zoo (Lady Star, Topanga, Ragine, Bilbo, Frodo, Frito,
Pepper, & Caesar and the dogs Garth and Darwin......r.i.p.  PHANTOM,
Nipper, EZ, Lightning, Cleo, & Duke)
[Posted in FML issue 3106]