Thanks again to everyone who has bid, the auctions continue to be a
success!!  I recognize many of the emails from the FML, so everyone give
yourself a hug......
We have more auctions posted - both for the fuzzies in our lives and their
humans!!  If we have any Star Wars fans, there are several items posted and
more I need pics of to get on there.  We have more ferretone, 20' ferret
freeway, igloo playhouse, handmade blankies with matching toys (so, so
cute), earrings for moms, new rock CDs, etc.
Thanks again and if you want to take a peek here is the link -
or go to Ebay's homepage and do a search from there - Mira PFRA.  We have
44 items currently listed, but lots and I do mean LOTS of great fuzzy items
coming up after this weekend (gotta get those pics done!!!!).
Hugs to everyone,
Jen and Gang
[Posted in FML issue 3105]