>I am also thinking about getting another fuzzbutt, I have a boy but heard
>females are more affectionate, is this true?
I had always heard it the other way around, that males were more
affectionate.  And it's been my experience with my bunch that my girls
usually try to wriggle away after just a few seconds of being held, and
though they'll give the occasional kiss, it's rare.  The boys, on the other
hand, will allow me to hold them longer and are more likely to give kisses.
In fact, my boy Loki (whose nickname is Bubby) will usually give kisses on
request.  All you have to do is hold him close to your face and say "Give
me Bubby kisses," and nine times out of ten he'll shower you with kisses.
Of course, this is just my own experience, so I really don't know if I'd
generalize and say that males are always more affectionate or vice versa.
I'm sure you'll probably have other replies from people whose girls are
more demonstrative.
Mom of Zorro, Claudia, Loki, Fezzik, Crysin, and Kyra Monchichi
"Still, so still in the city tonight, twelve o'clock tick-tock,
when all that is good slinks away like a beaten dog and the
black black shadows are alive with the dead, twisted poetry in
broken English, flesh and blood and staring faces...
So grey and despairing, strong as steel but collapsed inside,
the Crow laughs under a street light, a voodoo smile of one who
lived and died and yet still lives...
He makes his way home to where he can be shapeless in the dark
and paint his face in the colours of joy...
Tonight, hell sends an angel bearing gifts..."
                        --J. O'Barr
                          _The Crow_
[Posted in FML issue 3105]