how much ferretvite are you giving her?....it needs to be used in
moderation... too much and the ferret feels "full" and won't eat...i
found this out with my Pye...should give just maybe a fingernail size bit
once a day to stimulate the appetite...more and it is just taking the
place of food...
try getting some a/d canned cat food from the vet..take about 1 tablespoon
full, mix it with a tiny bit of ferretvite, a couple drops of ferretone,
maybe some Heinz 2 chicken baby food, a little bit of HEAVY whipping
cream..[NOT the canned stuff...the real whipping cream]...mix it all up
and see if she will eat it...
refrigerate the a/d after opening and try to use it up within a few
days...does not last long opened...warm up what you are going to use in
the microwave for about 5-7 seconds before mixing with the other...same
with the chicken baby food...if you can't get the a/d...just use the
chicken baby food in its place...
you will need to try to feed this several times a day...and at first you
may want to try a syringe to feed with if she won't lick it off the
plate...it will be of a consistency to do that...
if she still balks at this mixture...try adding some warmed up bacon
grease...this got my Pye eating...and after getting him off the mixture...
i dribbled some bacon grease over his kibble and he started eating that...
now he eats fine...
if ya want to skip the mixture...you can try the bacon grease...JUST A
TABLESPOON FULL!!!...over her kibble...see if it works...but it sounds
like you need to cut back on the ferretvite...
this is just my experience...i am not a vet...
good luck...
KITY=^..^=KAT... ( a.k.a. ...FuzzieMom ) and the krew...
Rascal, Sassy, Wolfie, Monkey(Shine), Meeja, Narmy, PopPye, Noodles (Slyk),
Charlie, Sandi-Mandi, Hope HollyHeart, & Edison!, "Lucky(13), and
Remembering Marcel, LittleWhiteGirl & OldGuy...at the Bridge!
THE FERRETS' PAGE..."http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/2396"
Help Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter...Use I-Give...
[Posted in FML issue 3104]