Ok, here it is.  I have a total of four ferrets.  All of the four that I
have are adopted ferrets who lived somewhere else previously.  One of my
ferrets, Diddle is free roam.  He does great(I think he doesn't know he is
a ferret)with the cats and the dog(Aussie Mix).  I even find them sleeping
together.  He became free roam a little while after I adopted him because
he was not doing well with the other ferrets.  He would sleep with them but
never play with them.  When ever Diddle came out he pretty much did his own
thing.  He then came down with an ulcer and was put on the pepto, amox, and
metro.  I set up the carrier with a hammock, food and water in bedroom and
left the door open (the ferrets have their own room)so that I made sure not
to forget his meds and that I could watch his eating and pooping(he poops
in the bathroom!).  Well the ulcer got better and he is still free roam.  I
wish that all of my ferrets could be free roam but Shera is a tiny, highly
intelligent female that I worry would find something to get into while not
home no matter how ferret proofed the place is.  She gets along with the
other pets fine(including Diddle).  So because she escapes the ferret room
all the time while I'm home and awake I let her free roam.  Now the other 2
are so aggressive(both Males).  They have no fear.  My dog is 45lbs medium
size and if she jumps the ferret gate to visit the two males will "play"
with her and even go so far as to jumping and latching onto her back.
Forget about them with the cats-they terrorize the poor things and work
as a team to distract and go after.  With the gate there-the dog and cats
decide when they've had enough.  If the two terrors were free roam I'm sure
they would eventually annoy one of the others enough and end up getting
hurt or stepped on by the dog.  The dog play is suprivised so I can tell
the dog to go away if it looks as if anyone is getting too rough.  I wish
they all could be free roam does anyone have any suggestions-I feel like
I'm playing favorites with Diddle who now sleeps in my bed at night :-)
Michelle and the four fuzz butts
[Posted in FML issue 3104]