Hello, I just moved into a nice big apartment and my phone just got hooked
up, I was dying without my computer, because I don't own a TV.
Well, my friend just moved to Florida and needed someone to take his cat.
I was worried but I took her.  Kaspar and her played before, but living
together, well that can be different.  My ferret has run of this house and
so does the cat.  When we brought her home, we let her adjust for a few
hours.  Then we let him out and he came running to her.  She cleaned him
them they proceeded to play.  I followed them around for a while then
decided to see how they do without me standing over them.  Well, they love
the company.  The cat is still young, so that helped.  The cat has the bed
and window ledges where Kaspar cant get to and he has the underneath of the
dresser.  I figure they both need there own place away from one another.
I am also thinking about getting another fuzzbutt, I have a boy but heard
females are more affectionate, is this true?
Also I have that advantage once a month flea stuff for the cat, would that
be okay for the ferret too?  I don't think they have fleas but just incase
I need something handy, I am allergic to fleas.  I also found a spray for
cats that came with her (Patches) has anyone tried that on a ferret????
Thanks for listening, just want to keep everyone informed of my ferret
hopeHooHope (the pet)
Kaspar (the owner)--Where is that darn cat I am ready to play.
[Posted in FML issue 3104]