I need to openly apologize To Sam Young for my mis-quoting her in my post
on 7/2/00 She was refering to New Zealand not Autrailia.  My only aim was
to be encouraging about finding new ways to look at Ferret health problems.
I thought she had said decades rather than decade.  Still ten years and no
adrenal problems is worth investigating isn't it?  I have found a ton of
info these last three days about the ferrets of OZ!!!
I did not mean to disparage anyone but man did I get the stuff in return.
Still I guess if you make a mistake you gotta pay the price !!!  I am
addicted to ferrets.  I have 'way more ferts than I really should have
because of another person's missguided ways.  I am not complaining as I
really enjoy having so many carpemonsters around me.  I enjoy playing with
them and yes it is a chore to clean out five cages three times a week or
so.,,,but I get rewarded each and very time one of these lil' fuzzies come
running up to me, just to see "Popa".  I also have one ferret that is
having adrenal problems.  I can tell you first hand that it is probably not
due to neglect as this 'lil guy named Smokey is spoiled rotten.  He is
starting to re-grow some hair and I am excited about that.  I also have two
more ferrets that are under observation for possible adrenal probs.  One is
a very big Angora Albino from Sweden, named Saber.  The other one is a very
small (about 20 ozs worth) of silvermit female named Slinky.  Slinky have a
swollen vulva and Saber is losing alot of hair.  The hair loss may be due
to weather patterns (hopfully) and not too sure about the swollen vulva but
this lil' fiesty kid has already had one lobe of the adrenal removed about
2 years ago according to her med charts.  I didn;t know this until the vet
told me about it.  So.....who knows.  I will opt for surgery on these two
as they are both under 5 Y.O.  and are in very good health otherwise.  To
date these are the only symptoms.  For now it is a waiting game.
Again I apolgize for my errors by miss-quoting Sam Young.  I value her
friendship and her advice deeply.  She has shown me nothing but kindness.
I want to show her the same.
Thank You
Fred A, Hurd
[Posted in FML issue 3104]