I've noticed there are a few posts of ferrets with other babies.  I have
posted in the past about my ferrets with adult skunks.  I now have a baby
skunk in the house.  Most of the ferrets are fine, they see this guy as a
small version of the big ones and avoid him.  Yesterday, I was cleaning
cages and forgot that 3 rescue ferrets were out.  I had the baby out
playing, but set him down to go feed the horses.  A friend was visiting.
He hollered and when I came in Epoch had the baby by the neck.  His fang
was stuck in his flesh just a fraction of an inch from the vein.  Once I
got them apart and got the bleeding stopped I could see that the baby
would be OK, but it was scary.  I'm very careful now.  The baby weighs
about 1.5 lbs and is 9 weeks.  He's big and tough, but couldn't fight off
a 3 lb ferret.  Epoch has only recently come out of his shell, he was
caged continuously his first two years.  The cage that came with him didn't
look like it had been cleaned that whole time.  The change in him has
been awesome.  I just need to take my own advice and supervise all of the
critters when they are out.  He has never even approached the older skunks.
[Posted in FML issue 3102]