As I read the discussion of foods, I thank God for the chicken soup Bob C.
taught us to make.  This is what my guys eat for breakfast, when I come
home, and before bed time.  The kibble is just stuff for them to nibble
on in between.
I saw Dr. Williard(sp?) on a video years ago.  He said that ferrets
are"obligate carnivores" -meaning our ferrets must have meat as their
primary source of food.  I had never heard those words in a combination
like that before.
He was promoting his food for ferrets.For me: I want meat-chicken or
turkey-as my first and main ingredient.  This food he was promoting -I
guessed then-must have chicken or meat as the first major ingredient.  It
does not.  It is chicken by product meal.  Then comes alot of rice flour.
I ordered TF from Mary of FAIR.  But I was disappointed when I read the
ingrediants and saw how expensive the food was.
I use it as a snack ---mixed with kibble that has chicken or turkey as the
main ingredient.  Since it only has chicken by product meal in it as the
main ingrediant,I give my guys very little TF.
I would never just give my guys one kibble.  I would not want to be served
chicken alfredo every day for the rest of my life.  My ferrets THRIVE on
Kibble is made from food that is unfit for human consumption.  It is the
corn that is moldy, or is just the husk.It is the meat that is diseased,
cancerous, and/or maggoty.  It is the stuff that has been literally labeled
unfit for human consumption.
My reading indicates that the wormy germ infested diseased meats are
painted with a purple stripe, though this information may be outdated
now.  Maybe someone out there knows if that has changed.
But -----No matter how much money you are paying for it, or what color the
stripe is----you are getting stuff that is disgusting and vile: unfit for
human consumption.
Thank you Bob C.;where ever you are in that vast chasm of ferritasia.  I
believe your soup is slowing down the insulinoma in one of my ferrets.  I
found that after 2 days of NOT eating your soup-several of my ferrets who
were diagnosed with uncurable cancer-became MUCH worse.  I have to put
Little on my lap to feed him your soup.  When he does not eat your soup-
he becomes extremely weak and cannot walk.
This could all be coincidence.  But I personally don't believe that.  Diet
is critical.  My ferrets are eating like obligate carnivores-chicken as
the main ingrediant.  Chicken that has been catagorized as FIT for human
I am most grateful sir
[Posted in FML issue 3129]