Hi all
I have been very buzy lately.  There seem to be a lot of ferrets coming in
from somewhere downunder.  Most of these little ones are not staying as
there is no one to wait for.  They will most likely be sent back for better
experiences at a later time so I am a little behind on my postings.
A little guy came in today.  He said hiz name waz Sampson.  He waz met by
Loki, Spaz and Draco.  They were interested in all da gossip at home and
they talked for some time.  They had a little lunch at da Fruit bar and
then wondered over to da Wrestling Matches to watch them while they talked.
Sampson said he waz going to get in training and enter them later.  After
dat they were going to give Sampson a tour of da place and show him all da
things to do.  He said to tell hiz daddy dat he felt much better and to
send lots of luv and hugs hiz way.
A little girl came in today.  She said her name waz Daisy.  I had Ariel,
Baloo, Zima Belle and a whole bunch of others here to met her.  I
introduced everyone as they didn't seem to know each other.  There waz a
small tussle at da beginning but everythig kinda settled down after a
while.  Then the gossiping and news started and soon everyone waz getting
along a lot better.  They took Daisy over to da Gravy Gourmet and had a
bit of a snack.  Actually she ate a considerable amout over there.  They
then wondered off to see all da sites.  She said to send lots of luv to
her mommy and also lots of kisses.
A little guy came in later.  He said hiz name waz Charlie.  He was met by
Oldguy and the newly arrived Sampson with hiz friends.  They played and
talked for some time about what waz going on here and there and at home.
They all went over to da Tube Park to watch da tube races.  He waz soon
involved in da races himself and I guess da watching waz over.  They all
soon got invovled in da races and were soon racing through da tubes.  He
didn't do to bad and may be one of da greats when he gets a little more
practice.  He said to tell hiz mommy and daddy dat he luved them bunches
and waz sorry he had to leave.  He also said to send lots of kisses.
A little guy came in much later.  He said hiz name waz Bandit.  He was met
by Petey, Podo and a whole bunch of others.  They talked and gossipped for
some time about home and different homes.  Then they said they were going
over to da Ferretvite Festival and party for a while.  They were soon
lapping up all da ferretvite they could hold and dancing up a storm.  They
seemed to be having a lot of fun and acting like little dev%*& (we don't
use dat word here as da Big Boss doesn't like it.  Huh hmm).  He said to
tell hiz mommy dat da pain is gone and he is feeling better than he has in
a while.  He said to tell hiz mommy dat he luved her and to send lots of
hugs and kisses.
I am off as I have to get bad to work and get all these little ones settled
in.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3128]