Well group, I have a pretty serious problem.  I was at one of my local pet
stores today and saw three adorable ferrets, but they looked a little small
and unsteady to be away from mom already.  I asked one of the clerks at the
store and was told that the ferrets were 8 weeks old.  Well I got my Dakota
when he was about 11 weeks old and he was three or four times the size of
these little guys...one of them would hardly get in and out of the little
box.  I' ve been looking for a picture of a 8 week old ferret to compare
them with, but I can't seem to find one.  If anyone can help me with that.
The other question is....what do I do?  I am almost certain these little
guys are too young, but I'm not sure what to do about it...Do I contact the
store's head office, the manager, the local shelter?  I'm really worried
about these guys, especially since the clerk told me one of them will
probably be sold today.  I just know, unless the people that buy him are
experienced ferret owners, that the poor thing will be returned or dumped..
I'm in tears right now just thinking about it...If I had had the moeny
today I would have bought all three of them to save them from an uncertain
future....Can anyone out there give me some advice?
Cherun (crying on her keyboard)
Dakota ( Mom, why do you smell like a ferret?)=20
[Posted in FML issue 3127]